Mountain Painting - Step by Step

Here’s how to paint a mountain step by step:

Materials Needed:

  1. Acrylic paints (colours: white, cobalt blue, cadmium red, cadmium orange, yellow ochre, lemon yellow, prussian blue, burnt umber)

  2. Canvas or acrylic painting paper

  3. Brushes (various sizes including flat and round)

  4. Palette

  5. Water container for cleaning brushes

  6. Paper towels or cloth for wiping brushes

  7. Reference image of a mountain at sunset (optional)

Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace Set up your materials on a clean and well-lit table. Make sure your canvas or paper is secured, I use frog tape if I’m using paper, make sure there’s an even margin around the edges when you’re securing the paper down and have your reference image nearby if you're using one - you can either print it out or just have it on your laptop (that’s what I do).

Step 2: Sketch the Composition I personally go straight in with the paint at this stage, however some people prefer to lightly sketch the outline of your mountain onto the canvas, or you could use a diluted paint. You can also lightly sketch the horizon line for reference - try not to focus too much on the sketching side of things, we don’t want to get lost in detail at this stage!

Step 3: Paint the Sunset Background Start with the sky. Mix cobalt blue with a touch of titanium white to create a soft, pale purple-blue color for the sky. Apply this color to the top of your canvas using a large flat brush, blending gently downward. Add hints of pale orange and light yellow near the horizon line to create the sunset glow. Blend these colours softly into the blue. Try not to go too bold with your colours, you can always add more depth/more colour later on, it’s best to start pale.

Step 4: Paint the Mountain For the mountain, begin by blocking in the base colour. Mix prussian blue and burnt umber to make a soft black. Apply this colour to the lower part of the mountain using a medium-sized flat brush. Use horizontal brushstrokes to create the texture of the mountain base.

Step 5: Add Depth to the Mountain Mix other shades which you can see on the mountain, I often mix cobalt blue and cadmium red to make a purple colour, add a touch of burn umber and you’ll have a nice earthy colour remember to add shadows to the mountain to its not flat. Pay attention to the light source in your sunset scene and add shadows accordingly. Use a smaller brush or the edge of your brush to create details like ridges and crevices. Before painting any bold brushstrokes remember to step back from your canvas and observe what’s working/what isn’t - don’t be too harsh on yourself, a painting is a journey, enjoy it!

Step 6: Highlight the Mountain Mix lighter shades and add highlights to the mountain where the sunlight hits - I often use the orange which I used for the sky with a dash of white to get that ‘glow’ on the mountains. Blend these highlights into the shadows to create a sense of depth and dimension. Use a small round brush for more precise details.

Step 7: Refine Details Continue adding details to the mountain, such as rock formations, trees, or other features. Use various shades and different brushstroke to add texture. Take your time with these steps…and remember thin small layers.

and wha’la, you’ve just painting your first Mountain!! Feel free to varnish it to protect the acrylic paint and enhance its colours.

That's it! Follow these steps, and you'll have a beautiful acrylic painting of a mountain with a pale sunset background. Feel free to experiment with colours and techniques to make the painting your own. And reach out at any point for any questions which you might have…. xxxx


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